Global warming. It’s the hot button issue of our time. (No pun intended.) There are those that agree the earth’s temperature is rising and say it is the greatest crisis in the history of mankind. While there are still others who might agree that a warming is taking place, but say it is not unnatural and therefore shouldn’t be a cause of concern (let alone hysteria). No matter whose side you’re on in this debate I don’t know if you’ve ever stopped to consider if the Bible has anything to say about global warming. Because it does. It really does. Oh, it may not be like we read in our newspapers or hear our politicians speak about it, but the Scriptures do indeed predict a “rise in temperature” that will affect the earth in the days ahead. Isn’t that interesting? Take for instance 2 Peter 3:10. It says: “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a rushing noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. And the earth and the works in it will be burned up” (MKJV). Do you see that there? ******* And then there’s Revelation 16:9-10a. It reads: “The fourth angel emptied his bowl on the sun, and it began to scorch people like fire. Everyone was scorched by its great heat . . .” (CEV). ******* The sun will begin to scorch people with great heat? The earth will be burned up? If this isn’t a picture of global warming I don’t know what is. And whether or not we interpret these two Bible passages literally what we can be sure of is they indicate a great change is coming for our planet. Ultimately, this change will be initiated by the Lord Himself who is poised to step into human history a second time - He did it the first time at the Incarnation – but this time when He comes Christ will right all wrongs and do away with all evil and wickedness. And every person will stand before God to answer for his (or her) actions. It’s enough to make a person sweat! (And it’ll take more than “carbon offsets” to pass this test!) Are you ready to take this kind of heat / endure this scrutiny? Only those who receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior can be. Don’t put it off another moment. Prepare yourself for the coming “rise in temperature” as the Bible talks about it. Now’s the time to get right with God.
Labels: global warming, jesus, judgment, second coming
Global warming is a natural cycle of our earth. If you look at the magnetic record of rocks in the Antarctic, you will be able to tell that "global warming" occurs before each Ice Age, and if global warming did occur, the earth would not "swell up with heat", the polar ice caps would melt, reducing the ocean's temperature to a sustained freezing, brimming over land and destroying coastal cities. And it would become a constant winter due to cold ocean temperatures.
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