It's interesting in the story of Christ riding on a donkey as He enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1ff), how the donkey just moments prior to the disciples coming to get him for His God-given appointed task, my friends, he was really just wallowing and whining and lamenting the fact that he'd never been ridden before. Right? If only donkeys could talk. (I think there was one in the Bible some where.) And can you just hear this donkey if he could talk? "Oh, woe is me. I'll never amount to anything. What's the use?" Right? And then one second later he's got the very Messiah riding on his back. I mean - do you know what I mean? And what's just around your corner that you know nothing about and God is going to use you in incredible ways that you've been created for beforehand (Eph. 2:10)? I get so excited just thinking about it. ******* And just remember when God starts using you that the applause goes toward Him and not you. (And what if that little donkey thought as they entered Jerusalem, "They're cheering for me," and not Jesus? Lord, help us to not be that kind of a donkey.)
Labels: bible, christian, christianity, donkey, god, jesus, mother lode, palm sunday, purpose, sonora, spiritual, twain harte
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