(To read Part 1,
click here. To read Part 2,
click here.) I closed Part 2 of this blog post series by saying the devil's not just a fantasy. He is very real. At this very moment he's plotting how he might destroy you. Yes. That's right. I said, "Y-O-U. You!" And there are some people who will read that and their response will be: "You can't be serious. The devil's out to destroy me? I just don't believe it." And I would say to these: You better believe it. *******
And there are two very important things that we learn from the experience of the young man in Part 1 & 2 of this blog post series, my friends (among other things). The first is this: The name of Jesus is powerful. Did you notice who the boy didn’t call out to when the demon was trying to lay hold of him? And maybe he should have shouted, “Buddha!” or, “Confucious!” or, “Mohammed!” or, “Joseph Smith!,” or some other religious leader's name who’s dead and buried and no one’s ever heard from them again. But that wouldn’t have delivered him from Satan. And isn’t it interesting how, when people are in the most direst of situations – listen – even so-called atheists will naturally shout, “Jesus!” because there’s something in the very depth of the heart of every man and woman that knows Christ is the only One that can do anything. After all, He’s the only One who’s alive! And the second very important thing that we learn from the experience of the young man harassed by a demon, beloved: We have it in our power to give or not give the devil access to our lives. Bottom line - there are some things that we ought not be doing or exposing ourselves to or it’s like there’s a knock at our door and we open it and invite Satan in, literally, to wreak havoc. While there are other things that we ought to be doing and exposing ourselves to that will shut the devil out and keep us living in freedom. And there are those who call themselves or say they are Christians while all the while it isn’t Jesus who they’re living for. My question is: Who do you think you're kidding if it's you? You can not serve two masters. You will either hate the one and love the other. Or you will hold dear to the one and despise the other. Who are you loving today? Who are you hating? Is it the devil? Is it the Lord? It's either one or the other. Your actions speak louder than words. Watch for Part 4 to this series coming very soon. Labels: deliverance, demons, iron maiden, jesus, occult, satan, spiritual warfare
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