Trust The Guide

While reading my Bible the other day I came across this verse and I wanted to share with you from H. A. Ironside's commentary on it since it's just so very encouraging. I don't know what you're going through or what lies just beyond today for your life (or mine), my friends. (I guess if I did I could make a lot of money?!) But God knows. And because He does we can rest assured that we are safe in His loving care and He will complete the work He's started in us. Now here's what Ironside says: "If God explained all His ways with us beforehand we would no longer walk by faith, but by sight. He leads us along strange paths, and through new and peculiar experiences that we may learn how marvelously His grace can sustain, and how blessedly His wisdom can plan. It is not necessary that we should see the road ahead. It is only necessary that we trust our Guide. He knows the end from the beginning, and He never deviates from His purpose of blessing. When, at last, we have reached the city of God and look back over the way we have come, we shall praise Him for all His dealings with us, and we shall understand the reason for every trial."
Labels: faith, future, mystery, trust in God, unknown
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